Note from the Editor: We interrupt our usual course of kid-lit related blogposts to share something new and different, something out-of-the ordinary, and decidedly twisted, but true.
Despite being a picture book author, I was and always will be a reader. I am a big fan of books from Patricia Cornwell, Jeffry Deaver, Dan Brown, Kathy Reichs and John Grisham and shows like Burn Notice, Criminal Minds, CSI, CSI Miami, to name a few. On the adult end of my reading, I find true crime to be always educating and frighteningly fascinating. So it is my honor to share this "Story Behind the Story" with True Crime Author Darren Burch! And check out the links -- the books are available on Kindle and can be gifted!

The Twisted But True Trilogy
by Darren Burch
What led to my appearance as the feature detective on the ID Channel’s season finale episode of “American Detectives with Lt. Joe Kenda,” and active discussions with HBO executives for the development of a major cable series called “Twisted But True,” started out as a simple fundraiser book idea for a local Crime Stoppers Program.
The book “Twisted But True” also became the catalyst for the Badge Boys, a studio produced podcast with a paid sponsor, my traveling all over the country for numerous book tours, national lectures with book signing engagements, and emceeing for various events around the country.

My initial plan was to make a few dollars for a non-profit organization by chronicling my own police experiences during a 30-year career of arresting stupid criminals, along with a few of my own “Dumb Darren Dilemmas,” into a book. Since, I had been doing the radio segment for the better part of two years, I had close to one hundred funny, morbid, and compelling stories to choose from to create the true-crime paperback.
It’s hard to believe the entire book was born from a brief encounter I had with an anonymous “fan” outside a radio station in the summer of 2010. The now faceless man walked up to me while I was leaving the station after a weekly segment I did for the rock-and-roll morning show. Each week, I would solicit tips to the popular morning show’s audience with a suspect description from some Crime of the Week and then follow the usually grim topic with a more light-hearted segment called “Twisted but True Tales,” which involved humorous encounters with stupid suspects from a treasure trove of such experiences I had during the course of my police career.

Since I had worked many different police details, ranging from assignments as a patrol officer, detective in the burglary and sex crimes bureaus, and as a night detective sergeant in the homicide unit, I had a variety of different experiences to draw upon for the radio show gig.
The Tuesday morning live “Twisted Tales” segments became popular. Even I hadn't realized how much! One evening while in the car with my teenage daughter, we heard an radio spot promoting, “Sgt. Darren Burch’s Crime of the Week and his Twisted but True Tales...followed by an interview with famed guitarist Ace Freely with the legendary rock band KISS.” I couldn't believe a simple city cop found himself in the same commercial as KISS!

Due to the popularity of the show, upon retirement I decided to take on the challenge of writing the book, which was well outside my wheelhouse. Not having been an author, I jokingly attributed any comments about the delay of completing the book to the tedious process of converting crayon markings to actual print.
Upon completion, all of the book sale proceeds allowed this old, retired cop to help his community stay safe by funding the non-profit that assists police in keeping the most violent criminals off the streets. And conversely, maybe some of the radio fans of the Twisted but True Tales show, along with a few family and friends might enjoy the book.

However, to my amazement the book achieved the top 1% status for books purchased on Amazon, and then I received the Pinnacle Award for Best True-Crime Book. This all led to a whirlwind volley of radio & TV interviews, which prompted the publisher to request a follow-up book, and soon after, a third book was sought to complete a true-crime book trilogy. Seemingly overnight, the success of the book far exceeded my most ridiculous daydream fantasies.
Today, while signing my books at various events, most times I also write, “Thank you for supporting this old, retired cops newly found journey as an author – it’s a dream come true.”

Darren Burch, Author
Darren's Twisted But True website
Darren on Amazon:
Twisted but True Book One:
Twisted but True Book Two:
Twisted but True Book Three:
Also available at:
Barnes & Noble

American Detectives with Lt. Joe Kenda video
Twisted But True book trilogy Christmas video
Twisted But True books Halloween videos

Badge Boys Podcast